Friday, June 24, 2011

Astrology Forecast for May 2011 - General Tendencies for All Sun Signs

Life should be pleasant, and our opportunities could increase in May. There are very few negative aspects, and a few rather powerful positive ones coming. We should see an increase in luck, creativity, and a willingness to change throughout the first 3 weeks of this month. Things may become a little more complicated as May draws to an end, but as long as we can stay flexible, Memorial Day weekend could bring some more pleasant opportunities.

May begins with the Moon, Mars, and Jupiter combining their energies to encourage us to act on our feelings, and to give us the confidence to feel like we can. The Taurus New Moon on May 3rd will be an excellent time to take a look at our assets and rewrite our "wish lists." The rest of the first week of May should be rather uneventful, but there could be some really great parties on Cinco de Mayo. Also, buy Mom beautiful decor this year for Mother's Day, Sunday, May 8th. This decor can include anything from a beautiful plant to adorn her garden, to a beautiful pair of diamonds to decorate her body.

Our optimism and our joy will begin increasing on Monday, May 9th, and this energy should continue through Thursday, May 12th. Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter will be lining up in the morning sky, with Mars and Neptune creating a harmonic backdrop. People will be polite and cooperative, and group projects will go well. Most will have a creative and enthusiastic attitude towards anything they do. It will be an excellent time for any kind of artistic projects. Things may slow down as the week ends, but by Sunday, May 15th, we should be getting our second creative boost.

Monday, May 16th, will be anything but "blue." Mercury and Venus will be singing in harmony with Neptune, and the Scorpio Moon will be nearly full. Its going to be an excellent day for cooperative and inventive activities. Meetings of all kinds will go well, and it will be a great day for helping others or getting the help we need. Lovers will also find it easy to communicate around this time, so go ahead and initiate that conversation you've been meaning to bring up.

We may be ready to start making some big changes in our lives around Wednesday, May 18th. Our energy should increase (maybe even dramatically), and we will probably be ready to start clearing away some of that clutter in our lives. Some of us may spend this time cleaning up around the property, and some may do some relationship housecleaning. Or, we may just decide to clean up the files in our computers. This energy will continue through Saturday, May 21st, when the Sun enters dynamic Gemini.

We may notice that our addictive behaviors are creeping up on Saturday and Sunday, May 21st and 22nd, and the week of May 23rd may prove to be a little less cooperative than the previous weeks. But, the Sun and Uranus could give us a little jolt on the 4th quarter Moon, Tuesday, May 24th. Some brilliant ideas may pop up, or we may find a new approach to an old problem. There may be some bruised egos as we approach the end of the week. But, if we can keep our egos down, our injuries will be less likely.

Memorial Day weekend could begin with a feisty tone, but by Sunday morning, May 29th, the Moon will enter Taurus, and we will be ready to slow down and enjoy our holiday. Travel should go well, and people in general will be patient.

There could also be changes happening in our lives as May ends with the first of three eclipses beginning on June 1st. Many of us will find those changes to be positive, but even positive change can be stressful. Don't forget to take good care of yourself.

We have eclipses coming in June heralding changes - some good some bad. Check back next month for all the details.

Janet (Sparrow) Moon is a professional psychic and astrologer. You can visit her web site for more articles about upcoming events in astrology, and to read her daily astrology general tendencies forecast. (This article can be reprinted freely online, as long as the entire article and this bio are included.)

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