Until the 23rd finances, goods, property or anything which affects material security or physical wellbeing is highlighted. There could be something you want to get your hands on or maybe something is growing, developing, but it needs your ongoing nurturing attention.
Some of this could relate to the fruits of the earth or your body or the substances which pass through your body. Some of you may find health matters or lines of supply are emphasized at this time.
With Venus in your sign until the 3rd you may be in the mood to enjoy nice things, or, through certain connections find that money, property, goods or goodwill flow more readily your way.
From the 3rd you may be beautifying things inside or outside or - maybe taking a look in the mirror and deciding what you need to do to create a more attractive personal image. You could find yourself on the receiving end of treats as people seem more inclined to give you a fair deal or help you out materially at this time.
Discussions, correspondence or research could be around basic physical/material resources. Buying/selling/negotiating may be on your mind or you may be considering your options regarding the financial outlook or property or possessions, or maybe you are putting energy into improving things in your own back yard.
So this month the emphasis will largely be on stuff and what it means to you. But a more decisive approach and at times, more physical effort will be needed for things to run smoothly.
Jupiter has moved into a background area of your Solar chart for about 12 months. Jupiter will be helping you grow most through inner work, study and the efforts you make to nurture and create behind the scenes. Or beaver away at something you believe will help others. Taking more time for inner reflection and healing activities, either because you have to, or because you choose to as a preventive measure would be a smart way to use this energy. Some of you may have to deal with health issues yours or another's, at this time. This is a good transit for developing any artistic, healing or spiritual ability too.
There could be a special relationship, one which teaches you a great deal, blossoming quietly in the background. However this is working for you, it means you'll be expanding your ability to be self-reflective and to give more of your time or understanding to something, or someone, worthwhile over the following 12 months. And that includes yourself.
Saturn continues its transit of Libra until Autumn 2012. In this Saturn cycle you'll learn how to overcome barriers to activities you find empowering, fun or self-expressive.
You will have to be persevering and organized related to children, animals, creative pursuits, speculative projects, romantic liaisons or entertainments any of which will need a methodical routinized approach to come together. Structure and discipline will be needed at times. Those of you involved in the arts or leisure industry, promotional or performance-type activities, should be more self-disciplined, focused and take the long view, as nothing will happen quickly in these areas.
In March Uranus finally ceased it's previous 7 year cycle of bringing change and uncertainty into your career and general life direction sector and began transiting a progressive, futuristic sector related to your hopes and dreams. Uranus works well from this very sociable part of your solar chart emphasizing group efforts and new friendships. So it's doubly likely you'll begin hanging out with a new circle of people and be more and more exposed to fresh, even, ground-breaking influences which will inspire you to think along very interesting and unusual lines. Access to a certain group may be intermittent and but there is an enlightening, inspirational feel to this.
Geminians born in the first week or with 7 degrees Gemini Rising will feel this vibration most strongly this month.
Neptune has made a temporary move into it's home sign, Pisces. A strong place for Neptune and it happens to be your career and life direction sector. This transit is great for working more on a heart vibration and where imagination and sensitivity can be developed. Great for the arts, particularly film and music but also healing, spirituality, getting involved in charitable work and, concerning life-path, putting ego on one side to further good causes or simply put your energies into a labour of love. Neptune here may blur the boundaries or give you the sense you are on a mission but this planet of empathy will help you to be less self-centered and more involved in a public way for serving the common good in some way. Fame or recognition could come through any or theses areas. This year Neptune will hold this position until August. Geminians born in the first 2 days or with 1-2 degrees of Gemini rising will feel this influence most this month.
For many years to come, Pluto is quietly underpinning a slow gear-change where your emotions, affinities and sense of deeper awareness is concerned. Pluto will dismantle old conditions related to joint finances and property, inheritance and corporate business. It's likely that radical changes in society, large-scale economic or political organizations or Mother Nature herself may occur.
It also underpins psychic ability and insight into taboo areas.
From the 23rd a busier, chattier time in store.
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