Are you finding yourself bubbling over with conversation? Can't shut your mouth talking about whatever is your latest passion? Having a hard time listening to someone else, wanting to interject your own ideas into the conversation? Then you're responding to Gemini's energies that are being broadcast right up until the June Solstice, June 21, 2011. Gemini's male twins are turning over to their counterparts; the Female Twin Goddess's who will help you find your voice this month.
Make Yourself Understood
Now if you're one of those stoic people that keep things inside and don't talk about your challenges, well good luck this month. You'll find yourself churning inside until you can't stand it and start blurting away. Get it; you need to talk out all those issues you've swept under the carpet. Bring them out into the open and discuss them, make yourself understood, if to no one else, to you.
Gemini Relationship Tip
Here's a Gemini relationship tip for you that will make this a most heartfelt conversation. Look for the similarities between you and the person you want to talk to, not your differences. If you are in a conflict with the other person, realize that both of you are going through the same human lesson, it's just your methods that are in opposition. That realization can drop you into your heart, and out of an adversarial position. Then you can speak from your heart.
Feelings Not Words Lead the Way Now
Come from the viewpoint that, at the core, you are both good people. In fact, if you can't feel this in your heart before you start; know no matter how eloquent your words are, your talk will end up being a bust. It is feelings, your tone of voice, not words that lead the way now. Words, rational reasoning, the mind, belong to an era that's out of vogue now.
Heartfelt Tone of Voice
It's quite helpful sometimes even to say that with a heartfelt tone of voice before you even start your conversation, "You know we are both good people, I know that even though sometimes we act out the villain role with each other. We're experiencing the same problems that others like us go through. Let's talk about this, take turns communicating, then genuinely listen to each other. We already know we're going to get nowhere trying to convert each other, but I just bet there's a solution right in the middle, the best of your idea and the best of mine that we could embrace."
Communicating and finding similarities is the Gemini solution for any relationship problem.
Goddess of Love Message
As the Goddess of Love's message is to turn inward to retrieve your love buried beneath the rubble and hurts, it's the same message to you personally. If you find yourself feeling like a victim in any situation, you may think you are unique, it's only happening to you and sink deeper into an abyss. If you just for a moment realize, there are hundreds of thousands of people just like you faced with the same life's lesson, it could bring a smile to your face knowing you are not alone. You're not so special after all, at least with the problem you are facing. What sets you apart is how you deal with it. There's three basic emotional ways to choose from: victim ways, villain methods and a hero approach.
Pour Caring Feelings into Yourself
If you can't for the life of you figure out how to get yourself out of the hole you are in, find a heroine that will care for you, help you out this time. Otherwise, you'll attract a villain whose role it is to take advantage and hurt you more. This year the Goddess of Love's message is to become your own heroine, start pouring those caring feelings into your victim self, saying. "I'm here to help you. You can do it, thousands like you have made it, you can also."
First Task of Caring
And this zodiac year, your first task in caring for yourself is supporting yourself monetarily that is in alignment with the matriarch economic system that is rapidly beginning to emerge. Duplicate yourself many times; earn passive residual income in a home based business so you have time to take care of yourself, your children, your partner and your parents. It's over, "I have no time for you; I have to go work at the office, probably overtime again."
Shift Your Priorities
If you are already self-employed and work at home, that's the first step; yeah! Now reassess how you make your money. Are you working harder than you did even when you worked for someone else? Are you duplicating yourself? Earning passive residual income in an abundant way? Or are you just getting by, earning enough to just pay the bills? If so, it's time for a shift. Find a network marketing company that is in alignment with your own needs and passion. You don't have to give up what you are now doing, figure out how to integrate the two. There's a way!
Communication System Already in Place
If you say, but I could never sell, I can't communicate well enough to do this. Guess who is talking, the victim part of you? That's not your heroine self, if thousands of others can learn, you can also. Besides, any good network marketing company knows communicating is a problem for newcomers, and there are already systems in place to deal with that. That's an essential criterion when picking your network marketing company.
Three Ways, Demos
While you are learning, finding your own voice, you do what is called a three ways with those that brought you in or those even more senior that are not new and know what to say. Or you take them to demonstrations by more experienced people. In all probability your company will already have good packaged marketing information, including audios and videos for you and the potential person to watch. And it won't be long until you learn, and soon you'll be able to do the same thing.
Even When You Know The Answer
Besides you are showing the person that you are introducing to your network marketing company that there is a system that deals with the inability to start chattering away immediately. Even when you know the answer, many times it is prudent to call your upline to speak to the new person you want to join you, especially if the person is a bit shy.
Doing It Alone Outdated
No longer do you have to find your strength, your power by doing it all alone. That method belongs to the patriarch civilization and is way outdated. You're now in a matriarch inspired era where Aquarius is the facilitator of all the zodiac signs. Working together as a team, utilizing systems that are already in place is the key now to become successful rapidly.
Gemini Connects
And if you don't want to go to your friends, risk spoiling a good relationship, then don't sell them. However, if they are really your friend, they will love hearing what you are now doing, your latest passion. Their resistance will be only if you try to pitch them. Don't this month, during Gemini. Instead ask, "Do you know anyone that is a good worker, and wants to make more money, especially passive, residual income. If so, connect us. I'll take good care of them and train them well." You may be surprised, your friend may say well that's me, or will want to help you. After all, if given the opportunity, most everyone will head for the hero role, wanting to help. Besides, Gemini networks, connects people with people of similar interests.
About the Author Loy is an accomplished astrology researcher and practitioner; relationship specialist and published author. Sign up for her FREE Zodiac signs and forecasts newsletter. Use the monthly energies to enhance your relationships and daily life. Visit Loy at
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